
Choose the correct transformation of the graph f(x) = |x - 8| +3 .The graph of f(x) =x| is shifted to the left 8 units, down 3 units.The graph of f(x) =x| is shifted to the right 8 units, down 3 units.The graph of f(x) =x| is shifted to the left 8 units, up 3 units.The graph of f(x) =x| is shifted to the right 8 units, up 3 units.

Accepted Solution

Answer:The graph of f(x) = |x| is shifted to the right 8 units, up 3 units.Step-by-step explanation:f(x) + n - shift the graph of f(x) n units upf(x) - n - shift the graph of f(x) n units downf(x - n) - shift the graph of f(x) n units to the rightf(x + n) - shift the graph of f(x) n units to the left===================================We have g(x) = |x - 8| + 3f(x) = |x| → f(x - 8) = |x - 8|     shift the graph 8 units to the rightf(x - 8) + 3 → |x - 8| + 3         shift the graph 3 unit up